Lifework Workplace Training Courses

Emergency Care BasicsLifeTek partnered with Emergency Medical Training Associates (EMTA) in 2018 to expand their work place training options. Started in 1987, EMTA’s mission is to provide comprehensive, common-sense safety training to business, industry and the general public. EMTA offers a full range of workplace safety training that meets many OSHA and L&I requirements and can be customized to meet your organization’s needs.

Emergency Care Basics (ECB) – Basic First Aid and CPR/AED: This 6-8 hour course covers all the basics: first aid, medical emergencies, trauma, pediatrics, infant/child/adult CPR,infant/child/adult airway obstructions, environment emergencies, bloodborne pathogens, home safety, disaster preparedness and the use of an AED (automatic external defibrillator). Included in this class is our full color reference manual for each student and a 2-year completion card. CPR is taught to American Heart Association standards and the course meets L&I’s requirements for business and industry. We are also able to give CEU for electricians and plumbers licensed in the State of Washington and Oregon, journeyman level or higher. Our instructors come to your location and work around your schedule, utilizing many different types of training tools. All students get the opportunity to practice the skills they learn and build confidence to make a difference in an emergency. Click here for the ECB Instructor Application and here for a Flyer for the ECB Program.

Bloodborne Pathogens: A 1-2 hour lecture that provides an in-depth view of the potential dangers of providing care and working with blood and body fluids. This course will demystify the rumors and provide accurate, up-to-date information for all industries. Also covered are necessary personal protection (PPE) and plenty of time for Q&A.

CPR/AED: This 3-4 hour course offers a great review of CPR and the use of an AED for infant, child and adult. Also covered is the basics of personal protection and bloodborne pathogens. A 2-year completion card is given for this class. This course makes a great review during the year that first aid courses aren’t taken.

Wilderness First Aid: Scheduled for 2 days, this 16 hour course offers in-depth training for the outdoor enthusiast on day trips or short adventures. Topics include patience assessment, triage, wound care, environmental emergencies, medical emergencies, CPR, wilderness specific ailments, and hands on trauma scenarios.

Babysitting Camp April 7-11 (Puyallup office) & Basic EKG Course April 14 and May 17 (Burlington office)